Hands up if you quiver in fear at the prospect of speaking in public…. Fear not. These lessons will inspire you with a new-found confidence and before you know it, you will be entering competitions and winning. Fact.

Lessons 1 and 2

Lessons 3 and 4

Lesson 6 and 7

Lesson 5

Lesson 5 handout

Aristotle rhetoric

A Brief History of The art of Persuasion lesson 1

I took all my ideas from the excellent book by Sam Leith ‘You Talkin to Me?’ which can be purchased from the following link http://www.amazon.co.uk/You-Talkin-Me-Rhetoric-Aristotle/dp/1846683165

I recommend it highly.

I have put together some resources for the new anthology, by using last year’s text book. Link is HERE

The Woman in Black is a scary book. Discuss.

If only it were that simple.

Here are some lessons which might help you understand/teach the novel. THere may be some additional resources that I haven’t attached, if you need them, just send me an email and do my best to get them to you.

The Woman In Black lesson 1 and 2

The Woman In Black lesson 3

The Woman in Black – Lesson 4 Chapter 2

The Woman in Black lesson 5 The journey north

The Woman in Black lesson 6 Innocence, once lost, is lost

The Woman in Black lesson 7 summary

The Woman in Black lesson 8 How to ANALYSE effectively

The Woman in Black lesson 9 Across the Causeway – Chapter 5

The Woman in Black lesson 10

The Woman In Black lesson 11 Mrs Drablow

The Woman in Black lesson 12 and 13

The Woman in Black lesson 14

Whistle and I’ll Come to You part 1

Whistle and I’ll come to you part 2 2

Whistle and I’ll come to you part 2

Everyone loves Of Mice and Men. It goes without saying. There’s George, there’s Lennie, there’s puppies…ahhhh.

And we love that it’s on the NEW syllabus as well as the old one, yippee.

Here are some resources for of Mice and Men: Key themes, characters and symbols… take a look and let us know what you think.

Of Mice and Men lesson 1 and 2

Chapter 2 post reading

Chapter 3 Recap PEE paragraphs

That’s all for now… there’ll be more in a day or two.

Are you ready?

Posted: August 31, 2010 by bekbek78 in Uncategorized

Hey Kids

It’s that time of year again. Did mummy and daddy get you a brand new pair of shoes? Mine did. And I’ll be showing them off to my work colleagues on the first day back. I also treated myself to a new pen, to make up for the fact that I didn’t go on holiday. Jealous?

So, anyway, enough of all that. Stay with us this year because we’ll be adding resources for the new AQA GCSE specification as and when we create them.

For now, I’m going to leave you with this excellent resource  Macbeth Rap


Another Classic Poem

Posted: June 23, 2010 by loydengreen in General, KS3, Resources
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Here’s a lesson plan for Mirror by Sylvia Plath suitable for KS3

Carol Ann Duffy is the poet Laureate. You all know that. But did you know this lesser known fact about her Highness of Poetry Town….. she’s a pretty scary wordy woman! Oh you already knew that too? Darn. Ok, how about this one: she loves Simon Armitage and they have a lovechild.*

A classic poem from Ms Duffy is Stealing.

The Plot

Disaffected youth (seen here without his hoodie)

goes around at midnight breaking into people’s houses

but doesn’t take the usual stuff like the TV and the XBox (although he does sometimes ‘pinch a camera’)

Instead he breaks in ‘just to have a look’ and he tells us ‘I joyride cars to nowhere’.

But, he tells us, the most unusual thing he’s ever stolen is, not a camera (that wouldn’t make a good poem would it?), but a snowman.

The reason, he says, is because he gets a thrill from ‘knowing that children would cry in the morning’

He kicked the snowman in anyway. Little Sod.


Anti Social behaviour / violence (towards Snowmen)


Carol Ann Duffy read about someone stealing a snowman in a local newspaper. This riveting piece of information inspired her so much that she just HAD to write a poem about it. Thanks Carol Ann Duffy.

In this poem Carol Ann Duffy will no doubt be making a comment about the disaffected youth which emerged from the Thatcher government in the 70s and 80s (similar to our modern day ‘broken’ society) . There weren’t a lot of jobs available for people when they left school so young people started to think ‘well what’s the point in getting an education then?’. (This links quite nicely to Duffy’s controversial poem ‘Education for Leisure’).  Something to think about is: why would someone steal a snowman just to make children cry and then destroy the snowman anyway? Weirdo.


There are several interesting images which dominate this poem:

The persona (ie; it’s not Carol Ann Duffy who stole the snowman ((that what she wants to make out anyway)) but she’s writing from the perspective of that person – the persona) of the poem identifies with the snowman:

a mind as cold as the slice of ice within my own brain

So it’s interesting to look at how the persona describes the snowman (any characteristics he gives to the snowman are likely to be characteristics which he associates with himself – as if looking at the snowman is like looking in a mirror, which incidentally, links to later in the poem when he does actually look in a mirror). In the above quote the simile as cold as the slice of ice within my own brain tells us that the narrator sees himself as a cold person.

He says the snowman is a 

Tall, white mute

so we can assume that the persona, by calling the snowman a ‘mute’ also thinks of himself this way; in other words he is silent, he has no voice, nobody listens to him, nobody hears him…

Already, the reader can start to empathise with the narrator (unless of course you are as cold hearted as he is).

And later in the poem a similar image is created when the narrator describes himself as:

A mucky ghost

Ghost of a kid’s imagination = white. Snowman = white. There’s your link.

A ghost also is a bit like a mute, something which is there but not heard, seen, felt. How can we interpret the narrator’s feelings about himself from these descriptions?


This one word sentence is very powerful. What is the narrator doing out at midnight? Why is he not at home in bed like most people are at that time? Why aren’t his parents concerned about where he is?

This one word sentence allows the reader to ask lots of questions which will help to compose an image of the narrator.

Also, the image of midnight is black, which is contrast to the white of the snowman; perhaps there are two opposite sides to this narrator.

Think about what the poet DOESN’T tell you, but the assumptions you can make by looking closely at the language she uses and the images which are created. That will allow you to form an ORIGINAL interpretation of the poem and that is what gets an A STAR.

(*that’s a lie. Her love child is with Prince William)


Posted: June 22, 2010 by bekbek78 in General, KS3, KS4, KS5, Links, New AQA GCSE English, Resources, Uncategorized

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